Friday, 6 January 2012

The Magician's ApprenticeThe Magician's Apprentice by Trudi Canavan
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Well this the first book read as part of The Australian Women's Writers challenge. This book takes quite a while to get going. In fact, had I not have been reading this for the Australian Women writers challenge, I would have given up on this book after chapter one. I am glad that I kept reading. Since, although this book is not mind blowing or world changing, it is an enjoyable read. In addition, it does deal with issues such as; freedom, gender, and sexuality. It is well worth a read and I look forward to reading The Magicians Guild; the Black Magician.

View all my reviews


  1. Thanks for the review and for the link to the AWW challenge page.

    As I posted on your AWW Goodreads page: Your response to this book really interests me as I have felt the same about some of my reading over the last six months since I decided to make reading books by Australian women a priority.

    Not only have I delved into genres I wouldn't normally read, but also I've kept going with books I might otherwise have put down. This has happened with Kalinda Ashton's Danger Game (litererary/drama), Heather Rose's The Butterfly Man (literary/crime - loved it!), Gail Jones' Dreams of Speaking (literary/fictional memoir/faction - extraordinary) and Leah Giarratano's Black Ice (crime).

    All, once I got into them, were very good reads, but I might not have gone beyond the first couple of pages normally.

    I haven't heard of Trudi Canavan before. Great to know there are so many talented Australian women writing out there.

    Thanks for your review.

    1. When You said you hadn't heard of Trudi, it brought home the necessity of the AWW challenge. She's sold over a million copies just recently, yet outside of certain circles she's almost unknown

  2. I am glad that your persisted and found you quite enjoyed it after all.
    Thanks for sharing your review

    Shelleyrae @ Book'd oUt

  3. I loved Trudi's earlier books and I'm really looking forward to reading this (oh time, where are you...) It's big enough that it just never made it up the priority list for reading for me. Hopefully I'll get to it in the next few months (study prevents me going to read it kind of immediately).
